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Make your Partnero experience smoother by linking your Stripe account. This lets you easily send purchase data to Partnero and connect it with referred customers. Once linked, you can effortlessly manage subscriptions, upgrades, cancellations, and refunds.

Additionally, the integration enables you to connect coupons that can be assigned to individual partners and used for tracking.

We offer integration guides for the following Stripe methods:

  1. Stripe via user sign-up

  2. Stripe via Payment Links

To connect your Partnero and Stripe accounts:

  1. Follow integration guides for Stripe via user sign-up or Stripe via Payment Links to track referral visits and signups.

  2. Authorize Stripe under Apps & integrations to attribute recurring purchases.

Follow our step-by-step instructions to integrate Stripe here.

Read more about how to create and use Stripe coupons here.