How to Create Great Content for Better Partnership Marketing (Part I)

Partnership marketing is a great way for businesses to reach more people, make their brands more trustworthy, and grow. Successful partnership marketing is about creating great content people like that meets the company's and partners' goals. It’s the centerpiece of a partnership marketing strategy. 

Many partnerships grow over time. As both parties get to know each other, they can work together to create content showing their partnership and customer base. This is a content marketing partnership. There are many types of partnerships (e.g., affiliate marketing, influencers, referrals, etc.), which means content goals and KPIs will differ (e.g., improving brand visibility, increasing conversion rates, achieving X% more in business growth, etc.). 

Let’s explore how to create compelling content for partnership marketing, drawing insights from industry experts and best practices. Here is how to build a content marketing strategy for partnership marketing that your marketing team should consider.

What is Partnership Marketing?

Partnership marketing is when two or more businesses work together to reach their goals, such as increasing brand awareness or breaking into new markets. This can include making their brands more visible, reaching new people, and getting customers involved. 
Partners amplify one another. Whether it’s cross-promotions or guest blogging, it’s a co-marketing affair that should benefit both parties in the strategic partnership. A win-win. These partnerships can take various forms, including co-branded content, campaigns, and joint promotions–whether it’s a blog post or white papers.

How Can We Use Content in Partnership Marketing?

Content is a key part of partnership marketing (and any marketing plan, even in digital marketing!) because it's the main way to communicate and engage with partners. High-quality content helps partners convey value propositions, tell compelling stories, and connect with target audiences and potential customers. Whether through blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media campaigns, content is the glue that binds successful partnerships.

Steps to Create Great Content for Partnership Marketing

1. Define Clear Goals

Before embarking on a content partnership, defining clear goals is essential. What do you hope to achieve through this content collaboration? Common marketing goals for content partners in partnership marketing include:

  • Expanding brand reach and visibility

  • Improving brand credibility and authority

  • Driving traffic and conversions

  • Building long-term relationships with partners and audiences

Setting clear, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can help you match your content strategy with your partnership goals.

2. Identify the Right Partners

Choosing the right partners (and partner brands) is crucial to the success of your content marketing initiatives. Look for partners whose values, target audiences, and brand identities align with yours. Consider the following criteria when selecting partners:

  • Audience Overlap: Ensure that your partner's audience is similar to or complements your target audience.

  • Brand Alignment: Choose partners whose brand values and messaging align with yours to ensure a cohesive collaboration.

  • Expertise and Resources: Assess whether your partner has the expertise and resources to contribute to high-quality content creation.

  • Positive Partner Relationships: Work with partners who want to work with you! Ensure the relationship is helpful and easy to maintain. 

3. Develop a Collaborative Content Strategy

Once you've found potential partners, work together to create a content plan for your partnership marketing program. This involves:

  • Think of Content Ideas: Work with your partner to generate content ideas that match your goals and appeal to both audiences.

  • Define Content Formats: Decide on the types of content you will create, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, white papers, or webinars.

  • Establish a Content Calendar: Create a content calendar outlining the content creation, publication, and promotion timeline.

  • Align Strategy with Departmental and Organizational Goals: Make sure your goals match other departments, like Sales or Product, and the overall organization's goals. 

4. Create Engaging and Valuable Content

The success of your partnership marketing efforts depends on the quality of the content you produce. To create engaging and valuable content:

  • Focus on Storytelling: Use storytelling techniques to create compelling narratives that capture your audience's attention and convey your brand's message.

  • Provide Value: Ensure that your content offers value to your audience, whether through education, entertainment, or inspiration.

  • Optimize for SEO: Include relevant keywords and optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility and reach.

5. Use Strengths

One key benefit of partnership marketing is the ability to leverage each other's strengths. Identify each partner's unique skills, expertise, and resources and use them to improve your content. Each stakeholder matters. 

For example, if one partner excels in video production, they could lead in creating video content while the other partner focuses on writing and research.

6. Promote Content Across Multiple Channels

To maximize the impact of your partnership content, promote it across multiple channels. This includes:

  • Social Media: Share content on social media platforms to reach a wider audience and encourage engagement.

  • Email Marketing: Use email marketing campaigns to distribute content to your subscribers and drive traffic to your website.

  • Partner Channels: use your partner's marketing channels to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.

7. Measure and Analyze Performance

Finally, measure and analyze how well your partnership content works to see if it's working and find ways to improve. Key metrics to track include:

  • Engagement: Monitor likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement to gauge audience interest.

  • Traffic: Analyze website traffic to determine how much traffic your content drives to your website or business.

  • Conversions: Track conversions, such as sign-ups, downloads, or sales, to assess the impact of your content on your bottom line.

Use these insights to refine your content strategy and improve future partnership marketing efforts.

Best Practices for Partnership Marketing Content

Here are some best practices to get your content out there with partnership marketing: 

Share Content that Coaches Partners

One effective approach is to create content that educates and empowers your partner. By sharing insights, best practices, and industry trends, you can help your partners improve their marketing and drive better results. This strengthens the partnership and improves your brand's reputation as a thought leader.

Create Content Partners Need

Make it easy for your partners to sell your services or products. Give them the essential content–from pricing pages, product descriptions, product updates, and more. Your partners are an extension of your sales team, and it’s important to share content that makes selling easy. 

Create Engaging Content Experiences

Focus on creating holistic content experiences that engage audiences at every customer journey stage. This involves designing interconnected content assets that guide users through a seamless and informative experience. You can build trust and foster long-term relationships by providing valuable content that addresses audience needs and pain points.

Explore Thought Leadership Together

Collaborate with your partners to produce thought-leadership content showcasing your expertise and positioning both brands as industry leaders. This could include co-authored articles, joint webinars, or collaborative research reports. You can differentiate your brand and attract a loyal following by sharing unique insights and perspectives.

Share Partnership Marketing Content with Partnero

Creating great content for partnership marketing requires careful planning, collaboration, and execution. By setting clear goals, choosing the right partners, and making a content plan, you can make good content that people like and get results. 

Remember to use each partner's strengths, promote content across multiple channels, and measure performance to continuously improve your partnership marketing efforts. Partnership marketing can be a great way to reach more people, improve your brand, and reach your business goals if you use the right approach.

With Partnero, you can set up a content library to share content with your partners. Encourage your partners to share them and to collaborate with you to expand this library. Sign up for a free trial and leverage content for partnership marketing now!

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